With the latest version of the Astra theme (3.9.0) we have made a significant improvement on how your Woocommerce store looks like on the front-end. This will also provide the users with more control on the design of the store page, archive pages and the single product pages. In this article you will understand the changes that we have made to the latest version of the Astra theme.
- Updates on the Shop Page
- Updates on the Single Product Page
- New designs on My Account page
- Misc Updates
- Improvements on the Cart Page
- Improvements on the Check Out page
Exisiting Customers
Some existing customers might feel backward compatibility issues. We have handled the backward compatibility for existing customers by offering filters. Here are the filters:
Updating customizer defaults for enhancing frontend UI.
add_filter( 'astra_get_option_customizer-default-layout-update', '__return_true' );
Enabling the updated improved block editor experience with unloading legacy Astra block setup.
add_filter( 'astra_get_option_blocks-legacy-setup', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'astra_get_option_wp-blocks-v2-ui', '__return_true' );
Enabling minor improvements for the modern Ecommerce setup.
add_filter( 'astra_get_option_modern-ecommerce-setup', '__return_true' );